The College of Health Sciences aims to attract students who are focused on providing quality medical service to those in need. Nursing, Physicians Assistant, Exercise Science, Psychological Science and Counselor Education are the 4 areas of study within this college.
A generous donor has agreed to match all gifts given on this day with a dollar-for-dollar match for the College, until we reach $25,000.
Designate your gift to the College of Health Sciences and help us reach our $50,000 goal!
Donation Challenge
$5,000 if 100 donors give in the next 5 months
Challenge Complete!
Offered by Anonymous
Donation Challenge
$1,000 if 125 donors give in the next 5 months
Challenge Complete!
For Faculty/Staff
Offered by Anonymous
Donation Match
$1 per $1 donated up to $25,000
Match Complete!
For College of Health Sciences
Offered by Anonymous